General Information
After you have successfully placed an order on, your order will be confirmed within 10 minutes, and you will receive an email with information regarding the details of your order.
Your order will be shipped within 1-3 business days. Please note that our warehouse is currently only operating from Monday to Friday.
We currently only offer free standard shipping to the continental United States. For an additional fee, we can arrange shipping to other parts on Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Minor Outlying Islands, Remote Areas of the U.S., Armed Forces Americas, or PO boxes.
Shipping Costs & Delivery Times
UPS Standard (FREE) - 5-10 working days
UPS Express ($9.99) - 2-5 working days
Customs and Import Fees
As some orders are shipped from overseas, we are unable to account for any additional customs or import fees that your order may be subject to upon delivery. You may need to pay additional import fees. If you are not sure whether you will be subject to customs fees, we recommend contacting your country's customs agency for more information before placing an order.
Tracking Orders
When your order ships, you will be sent an email with tracking information which you can use to track your package.
Unsuccessful Deliveries
You are responsible for ensuring the shipping information entered is correct. If your order's delivery is unsuccessful due to an error in the shipping details, we cannot be held responsible or issue any refund or replacement.